Technology: disconnect to reconnect?

Erin Goya, Staff Writer

Erin Goya: Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Whether it’s the iPhone 11 or the newest Macbook, we have the power to connect ourselves with the rest of the world at our fingertips. However, does it really connect us or does it push us further and further away from each other? 

Wherever you go, whatever you do, us as teenagers and even adults almost always have some form of technology with us. Thinking of our society today, we automatically associate it with the advancements in technology and as time goes on, we will begin to rely on it more and more. Don’t get me wrong, technology has revolutionized society and the world in so many positive ways and has helped us be aware of the things happening around the world. 

However, according to the Pew Research Center, 54 percent of teens and 36 percent of adults believe that they spend too much time on their phone.

Have you ever been to a restaurant and seen a family sitting at a table and all of them have some sort of electronic device in their hand? A father on a conference call, while a mother checks email, and the children play games. When the food comes, they put down their devices and reluctantly begin a mundane conversation only to return to their devices once again.

However, we often forget that when we connect with the rest of the world, we often disconnect with the most important things that aren’t on our screens. 

Overall, four in ten teens feel anxious when they don’t have their phones with them and 56 percent of teens associate the absence of their cell phone with loneliness, being upset or feeling anxious.

Cutting out technology altogether would be foolish, but limiting and converting half of our screen time would help us reconnect. Take up a new hobby, go for a run, or spend time with your family. We cannot get lost in the world around us and forget the importance of the things that lay right in front of us.