MClub offers a prize to the team with the most workouts

Tia Shimabukuro, Staff Writer

Tia Shimabukuro
Staff Writer

Due to COVID-19, sports have come to a screeching halt, but the MClub has created a workout challenge to ensure that all student athletes will be getting the CDC’s recommended one hour or more of daily exercise.

The workout challenge encourages students to exercise by doing the following steps:

  • Take a picture of yourself during or after your workout
  • Post it to the daily Athletic Padlet; a new one is made every day
  • Remember to add your name and what sports you play to the Padlet post, all levels/teams of a particular sport will count together. As an example, all 3 girls water polo teams make a program or all 3 levels of boys cross country make a program

The sports team who posts the most pictures will receive a prize of $2,000, and second place will win $1,000. There are still a few days left to compete as the contest ends May 29.

MClub president Missy Lange said she believes in and encourages support of sports teams regardless of wins or losses and even in and out of season.

“It’s a long-term commitment process. ‘Staying in shape’ and being at ‘peak performance level’ requires activity regardless of competitions,” said Lange.

So far it’s been a huge success, said athletic director Scott Wagner.

“I was super excited that MClub was trying to find a way to support our student athletes even when campus is closed, and we are all stuck at home,” said Wagner.

There are also general workouts that are developed for the student-athletes that are posted to the MyPueo Athletics page.

Many students are taking part in this challenge and posting pictures of themselves staying active every day.

Varsity softball and basketball player Alyssa Nakagawa said it’s a good way to have all the different levels, varsity to intermediate, work together towards one goal.

“I love rereading the positive comments and remarks from my different coaches, so you know someone is acknowledging your hard work,” said Nakagawa.

Varsity basketball player Kala Nakaya said he thinks this initiative by the MClub is awesome.

“It’s really done its part to motivate student athletes to keep active during self quarantine,” said Nakaya.

Student athletes said they appreciate the acknowledgment, the generous reward and always supporting all sports in everything they do.

“It’s great that the athletics community at Midpac continues to grow, and a large part of that is due to the MClub,” said Nakaya.

The MClub workout challenge started on April 20 and will end on May 29.

“If we ‘OWL’ work hard now we will see the successes when we return to campus,” said Wagner.