New Na Pueo app coming to your device

Photo Contributed by: Dillon Balantac, Staff Photographer

Wyatt Cullison, Staff Writer

Do you ever wonder about what’s going on in the Mid Pacific community and have questions about the how and why about those events? Worry no more, for the Na Pueo News app is coming to your school device.

“We got a new app this school year, and the reason we wanted to get this app is to make our news more accessible for students,” said Jessica Hanthorn, advisor for Mid-Pacific’s journalism class.

The app, called Student News Source, is available on all Mid-Pacific iPads by going to the self-service app. After downloading the app, select Na Pueo as the news source. 

Students can now receive notifications about Na Pueo  stories on their devices and  be kept up to date on the latest Mid-Pacific happenings. 

“The whole idea of journalism is to emphasize that students have a voice at Mid-Pacific, and it’s the student journalists’ responsibility to share issues that are important,” said Hanthorn.

Posts will be uploaded  consistently, with new stories debuting daily or every other day. And  print publications will continue to be distributed when in-person classes resume in mid-November. 

“More and more journalism is happening online, and I think for the Mid-Pacific journalism program to move to the app is an important part of staying current with technology,” said Hanthorn.

Features Editor Siena Usui said she believes the new app will appeal to students as a way to stay connected to student life.

“In quarantine there’s not that much to do and reading our stories can be really interesting and a way to learn more about what’s going on in the Mid-Pacific community,” said Usui, who is a junior.

 Enrollment in the journalism class is growing this year after the program won several state and national awards, said Editor-in-Chief Erin Goya, a senior.

“Now that everybody is looking because we got all of these state awards, then we need to keep making improvements and adjustments,” said Goya.

Goya said  the app will increase viewership and make it easier for students to find the news.

“This app is going to give us an opportunity to take it to the next level,” said Goya.


1.First, open the app.











2. Second, type in Na Pueo into the school search zone.














3. Turn on Notifications










4. Feel free to browse!