Some Mid-Pacific sports are using Zoom as a way for students to stay active

File Photo by staff photographer Kamm Kojima

Girls volleyball is scheduled to return to practice in March, according to the athletics office. Some teams have met virtually during the first weeks of the school year.

Kayla Tom, Staff Writer

Due to Covid-19, Mid-Pacific decided to try something new this year for sports until it’s safe enough to resume practices and games.

Mid-Pacific has decided to use Zoom as a way for students to stay active and continue to grow in their sport.  The sports that are currently doing Zoom sports are: baseball, girls water polo, girls basketball, boys volleyball and cross country. 

Mid-Pacific started organizing Zoom workouts in the middle of September and were up and running at the end of September. 

Athletic Director Scott Wagner said it’s a good idea to use Zoom because athletes have not had any off-season training and it’s good for students who want to workout, stay in shape and exercise.

“The worst thing would be if we get back into our sports and no one has done anything for eight months. I think for those who are able to and willing to attend Zoom, it will help student athletes get in shape. I think just as important, it helps to build team chemistry,” said Wagner.  

Parker Wagnild 22’ is almost at the finish line. This took place at the ILH Varsity Championships at Kamehameha School in the 2019 track season. (Contributed by Craig Wagnild)

Sports will resume on campus soon, according to information released from the athletics department via MyPueo. The approximate week sports will begin is: 

Week of Nov. 2 – Tennis and Air Riflery

Week of Nov. 9 – Cross Country and lap swimming in the pool

Week of Nov. 16 – Soccer and Basketball

Week of Nov. 23 – Baseball and Softball

Week of Nov. 30 – Water Polo

Water polo senior, Masayoshi (Jack) Fukui said on Zoom it could be really limited because not everyone has the same equipment, and his team is currently not practicing on Zoom.

Fukui also said in terms of team chemistry and student motivation, Zoom could help, but boys water polo has not scheduled any Zoom meetings. He definitely misses his sport, so getting in any activity is good. 

“I miss water polo because it is something me and my teammates are passionate about. I miss practicing with all the boys,” said Fukui. 

Cross country junior Parker Wagnild said cross country is a team sport as much as it is an individual sport.

Cross country coaches have arranged virtual meetings once a week this year, Wagnild said.

 “Team dynamic is what helps me thrive as my motivation, and it’s unfortunate that we aren’t in person yet,” he said.

Wagnild said he is looking forward to a season in person and wishes to be among his teammates.

Wagnild said he prefers to be in person because he feels that it is just as important to have a strong relationship with his team. 

“There is a lack of connection over a screen,” said Wagnild.

However, Wagnild understands why cross country is using Zoom. 

“Mid-Pacific is trying to protect us, and keeping safe is the number one priority,” said Wagnild. 

On the other hand volleyball senior, Deborah (Debi) Chun, said when it comes to volleyball, there is no substitute for practicing without a ball. Repetition is what counts the most, said Chun. 

“As much as I miss volleyball and would love to get back on the court, Zoom is a definite no for me. If we did go on Zoom all we could do is work out, and if I’m not touching the ball, then I don’t care for the idea,” said Chun. 

Chun doesn’t care for the idea and would much rather be in person, but she feels that Zoom will help get athlete bodies in condition for the season. 

“Zoom workouts can help prepare athletes to get in shape before the season starts, so when we can practice in person, the focus can be more on volleyball drills,” said Chun.

Girls volleyball is currently scheduled for the March to May season, according to the athletics office.  

Strength training and conditioning is great to prepare for the season so when athletes have practice, they will have more time focusing on their sport, said Chun. 

“I think if we did go on Zoom for workouts, we would be able to do more during in person practice because we won’t get as burnt out as fast as if we were to jump into things right away”, said Chun. 

Students are learning that Mid-Pacific is trying to prepare athletes for a “normal athletic program,” said Wagner. 

“It would be very difficult  for me to look at Zoom workouts as beneficial because all I’d think is that 20 hours of working out wouldn’t be better or equivalent to 20 minutes of actual practice with a ball in a gym,” said Chun.