Students learn to practice manifestation and spirituality through the pandemic
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A woman does yoga while at the beach. Students have been able to find personal meaning to spirituality.
March 12, 2021
With eyes closed, hands rested and chakras aligned, teens from all over the world found peace in a pandemic.
Last spring, COVID-19 forced people to improvise with what they had, which for some, meant using their head and heart.
Whether they started on Tiktok or visited a crystal shop close to home, spirituality manifested its way into many’s lives.
Junior Isabella Muzzi was able to discover what spirituality meant to her while stuck in quarantine leading up to now.
“I realized I am more than just another person on this earth, and that my experience is only temporary, so I changed the way I approached every day,” said Muzzi.
Sophomore Maddie Ibarra, found spirituality in the form of yoga, which she uses as a tool to further explore the mental aspect of her health.
“The thing I like about it is that the instructors not only want you to be healthy physically but mentally by using and appreciating your muscles,” said Ibarra.
To this day, the pandemic is making it a challenge to get the things we want, but manifesting them is another story.
Muzzi said she was shocked to see spirituality was trending on her social media during the early stages of the pandemic, but glad to see peers interested in crystals and things alike.

“There are many ways I manifest the things I want and it all starts with setting an intention. From there I can decide what tools will help me and if what I want is what I need,” said Muzzi.
An acupuncturist and herbalist located on the North Shore of Oahu, Ila Jhaveri, said she works with those in need of healing and some who seek to manifest a better future.
Jhaveri approaches the process using visualization, affirmations and meditation while remaining cautious not to get wrapped up in the material aspect of life.
“The manifesting part is a perk but it can be a distraction because all of this on the material plane has nothing to do with what is really going on. Everything is connected even though it appears all very different and connecting with that force will allow everything in our lives to flow,” said Jhaveri.
Spirituality comes in all forms, personal to the one using it.
With respect to its founders, it dates back to ancient religions and communities, most still standing today.
Hinduism and Buddhism, originating from India, created many spiritual practices including Indigenous people and people from a variety of faiths.
Just how spirituality is interpreted differently around the world, students of all backgrounds have found a meaning personal to them.
Junior Parker Wagnild thinks of running like meditating in the sense that it is a time for him to reflect and detach himself from what is unnecessary.
“I’ve learned to practice things that strengthen my spirituality and for me that is running, which I’ve noticed helps me by keeping me way less stressed,” said Wagnild.
Jhaveri says there is no timeline or way to go about spirituality.
“There are so many ways to work on yourself on a spiritual level and what’s right for one person might not be right for someone else,” said Jhaveri.
She emphasises that taking the good out of any situation and trusting the process is important for one to grow and more important than one might think.
“Life is like being in school, some people are on an accelerated path where things make sense right away and some learn slower but the opportunities come later with an answer just as clear,” said Jhaveri.
Ibarra agrees that the important thing is to appreciate yourself and take time to grow.
“During quarantine you need to take time for yourself and I think a lot of people forget that,” said Ibarra.
Jhaveri finds this spark in teens exciting, and believes these practices can be a real strength through the challenges life throws at them.
“When we talk about spirituality I’m not talking about only meditation but connecting with your higher self, and this can turn into a solid foundation to rely on in the future,” said Jhaveri.