Love to eat? Support alumni small business restaurants

Contributed by Michael Chan, 00′ Alumni

Ready for work, Mililani Restaurant staff gather for a group photo between orders.

Katelyn Oshiro, Staff Writer

It’s been a year since COVID-19 hit the world and nothing has been quite the same since. One thing that’s stayed constant however, is restaurants trying their best to provide us with delicious food that we aren’t able to get anywhere else.

Local businesses everywhere are waiting to serve local and cultural cuisine. If you’re not sure where to start looking for restaurants, what better way to start exploring local restaurants than visiting some Mid-Pacific Alumni. Here’s a few restaurants to try with a connection to our community, provided by the Alumni relations office.


Mililani Restaurant

Mid-Pacific Connection: General Manager

With Mid-Pacific Alumni and General Manager Michael Chan, Mililani Restaurant has been serving local style food in Mililani for over 40 years now. All of their noodles are made in house with their own recipe for a unique consistency, making for a dish only they can serve.

Lately, they haven’t been functioning at full capacity, says Chan. With a large part of their business being in catering, a huge portion of their income has been essentially cut off.

“We are basically entering an MMA fight with one arm, and one leg missing,” said Chan.

They have been surviving through constant consumer to customer services like direct text access and hosting different promotions and discounts.

Mililani Shopping Center, 95-221 Kipapa Dr, Mililani, HI 96789, USA

Sunday – Thursday: 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Friday – Saturday: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.


MW Restaurant

Mid-Pacific Connection: Executive Chef

MW Restaurant offers regional Hawaiian cuisine and desserts made by executive chef and Mid-Pacific Alumni Wade Ueoka.

To help support other local businesses, MW Restaurant has added a “Market” menu where items such as fresh produce, coffee and tea are available for purchase to support local farmers.

During the pandemic, the main obstacle they have been facing is decreased income because of their now take-out focused approach, said Ueoka.

“With team members and staff depending on us as well, we had to find ways to continue to create income to support both the staff and our business,” said Ueoka.

1538 Kapi‘olani Blvd. Suite 107 Honolulu, HI 96814

To-Go: Tuesday – Sunday: 11:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

Hamada’s General Store

Mid-Pacific Connection: Co-Owner and General Manager

Hamada’s General Store is a local food destination with a mission to carry on a legacy. Originally a grocery store, the now restaurant still stands, serving their community with the same cuisine and atmosphere.

Hamada’s has been able to continue their goal of providing their community with comfort foods because of their loyal customer base and new creative partnerships, said co-owner and Mid-Pacific alumni Brandon Hamada.

Through the pandemic, they want to continue serving classic island style dishes with tastes reminiscent of childhood favorites.

“It’s like a story. That’s what food is about, taking you somewhere you remember,” said Hamada

885 Queen St, Honolulu, HI 96813

Monday – Saturday: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Sunday: Closed


All in all, it’s been a difficult year for many local businesses and buying from them is the best thing we can do to help keep their doors open. Chan says that community owned stores and restaurants are crucial to community involvement and diversity.

“Small businesses are the key to keeping Hawaii unique,” said Chan.
