Get your tickets now for romantic comedy “Ernest in Love”

Ernest in Love runs virtually until May 16.

Steven Aspera, Staff Writer

After four months in the making, there are now just a few days left to see Mid-Pacific’s romantic comedy “Ernest in Love,” which will finish virtually Sunday, May 16.

According to Linda Johnson, the play director, this romantic comedy was adapted from Oscar Wilde’s classic “The Importance of Being Earnest.” In this adaptation, “Ernest in Love” is a satire on the aristocracy of England, and is about two couples where the girls won’t marry the men unless their name is Ernest. In this comedy of errors, the name Ernest gets passed around of men to men in hopes of pulling their girl.

“I believe people should buy tickets because for one, it is entertaining and people will have fun, and to perform a virtual play is very difficult,” said Johnson.

Tickets to this play cost only $5, and once you purchase the ticket, you are able to watch it whenever you want and multiple times for 48 hours.
Click here to buy tickets for: “Ernest in Love”

According to Johnson, performing a musical on zoom is very difficult.

Adam Ward, a sophomore who plays a lead role, said “some of the problems I faced was when I was recording with someone else, their WIFI would go out and we would have to move it to the next day.”

In addition, the people working on the play were not technical professionals, Johnson said. There was also a lot of editing and recording that went into the play. There were also problems with the lag that zoom is notorious for. So as a solution, the audio had to be placed and lined manually every time there was singing.

“We took on the challenge of a virtual play because we didn’t want COVID to keep us from doing the annual highschool musical,” said Johnson.

Alaina Visi, a sophomore who is acting in the play, said they were rehearsing and putting the play together for about four months.

“Right after December, we just started auditioning for the play and then by mid-April we just finished recording,” said Visi.

Participants of the play said anyone would find it hilarious and funny. They encourage students to get tickets.

“This is a break from all the serious stuff that is going on, and I think that everyone in it did a really great job,” said Visi.