New Dean: Toni Nishida

Ava Kagimoto, Staff Writer

Toni Nishida is a new addition to Mid-Pacific. She is currently the eleventh-grade dean and has been teaching for 25 years.

Nishida came from Maryknoll and was a physics teacher for 12 years and went into administration for seven years.

She wanted to teach at Mid-Pacific because she wanted a change.

Some hobbies of Nishida are stand-up paddling and gardening.

“I love the ocean because it’s very calming and I like watching things grow and eating things you grow,” Nishida said.

She enjoys stand-up paddling at Ala Moana. She sometimes paddles at the North Shore with her cousin. Nishida loves the unique creatures in the ocean.

She has a garden in her backyard where she enjoys growing eggplant, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, lettuce, and tomato. She wants to try to grow corn, zucchini, green onion, sage, and basil.