New High School English Teacher: Kyle Malashewshi

Taylor Kim, Staff Writer

Kyle Malashewski is Mid-Pacific’s new High School Language arts and ELD teacher.

Malashewski started here at Mid-Pacific working as a substitute teacher and this school year, 2022-2023, he made the jump to become a full-time teacher.

Malashewski immediately fell in love with the school when he met the students, the caring community, and the environment. He also loves the arts program and the way students are able to share their passions.

“I’m a huge supporter of the arts and I just feel like this is the right place to be,” Malashewski said.

Mr. Malashewski has a background in language arts and recently received his Ph.D. in English Literature while he was living in Canada.

Malashewski’s goal is to get young people to believe in the value of literature and give them the confidence to carry themselves throughout life. He also wants to inspire his students to become lifelong readers.

Malashewski shares that past teachers made him want to come back to school and share his wisdom with the next generation.

In particular, he pointed out his high school music teacher, who told him “There is no such thing as a wrong note.”

He explains that this means there is no such thing as failure, it’s about continuously trying and self-improvement.

Malashewski is so glad he made the move, as he leaves us off with, “I’m just so happy to be here”.