Who makes a better teacher, younger-newer teachers, or older-old school teachers?

Carly Kaneshiro

Students learning the functions of a Laser Printer from Mrs. Fontaine in Digital Media.

Carly Kaneshiro, Staff Writer

As course selections roll around each year, a common consideration when choosing classes is the type of teacher conducting the class. Some students prefer taking a class taught by veteran teachers. Although, many other students are crossing their fingers that they’ll get a class from a younger teacher.

Many students have a favorite teacher at school. They were the ones who stood out because some students were able to learn more easily from, connect to, and have fun with them. When students were asked for their preferences – a younger or veteran teacher – a majority leaned towards the former.

“Personally, I prefer younger, newer teachers,” junior Naiya Siple said.

However, there are still students that favor veteran /old-school teachers.

“I prefer old school teachers,” sophomore Nicholas Nakatani said.

The common thought among many students is that younger teachers are able to establish relatability within the classroom, as well as being more understanding towards students, making it a more enjoyable environment.

“Younger teachers understand us better and give more moral support because they are closer in generations and have better insight and empathy for what we go through,” senior Ethan Chang said.

“When relating to younger teachers, you are able to put yourself in their shoes and see yourself in their perspective, which leads to you having more respect for them,” Siple said.

The relatability that students favor is what makes a younger teacher’s class more enjoyable.

“When you allow your students to see your humanity, they are more likely to share theirs,” Visual and Digital Media Arts teacher, Meeka Fontaine said.“I kind of just gauge how people will respond to me in class. If they’re smiling, having a good time and enjoying what they’re learning, then I am doing a good job.”

Students learning in Integrated Math 5 with Mrs. Roscoe. (Carly Kaneshiro)

Although, the long years of experience that veteran teachers have earned is hard to beat, as their knowledge is invaluable.

“Veteran school teachers have a standard way of teaching where they know what works and what does not due to their experience,” Nakatani said.

This experience allows them to steadily run their classes.

“Having veteran school teachers usually makes the classes move more smoothly, since they developed structure and expectations over the years,” Visi said.

“I feel like they know how to teach students better because when you gain a lot of experience over the years you learn what works and what does not work for students,” sophomore Cody Long said.

The newer modern method of teaching younger teachers use which includes things such as technology and videos over a textbook is favored by many, as it keeps the class more fresh and engaging.

“Younger teachers are more active in class, visually and interactively,” Mell said.

“Younger teachers are still trying to figure out how they like to teach a which leaders to classes being different every day or week while they’re experimenting. It’s good you’re not stuck in a boring routine” Siple said.

In spite of this, there are students that enjoy structure in the classroom, as it helps them to learn the material better.

“Being in a veteran school style of class where it is very fast paced and you have to keep up with the teacher to understand, helped my brain process what I needed to learn easier,” Long said.

“The veteran school teaching methods are a more standard way of teaching though- it allows for the teacher to tailor the lessons to you, to locate and improve on your weaknesses,” Nakatani said.

These veteran teachers are able to uphold a more structured class which a lot of students enjoy.

“I tend, in math class, to do more lecture[s] and [a] teacher centered approach, as it’s a more efficient use of time,” freshman and sophomore math teacher Carolyn Roscoe said.

Many agree that it’s important that we keep hiring new teachers and have them around the school.

“In order for the newer generations to grow, there needs to be new ideas. Younger minds help grow the world,” Chang said.

“It’s a fresh pair of eyes, which is nice to have. There is also insight from younger teachers who are new and have more leniency with their teaching” Mell said.

With this in mind, we should continue to grow as students under the guidance of a veteran teacher.

“Veteran school teachers know what works to help you towards success,” Nakatani said.

All in all, both styles of teaching are a matter of personal preference, as the balance and shared knowledge between the two types of teachers will always be valued at school.

“Some methods work for some students and some don’t work for other students and finding a balance between old and new is good,” sophomore Eva Rogers said.

“I think it’s so valuable to have young voices and experienced voices. Having these two combined there is so much that can be learned from each other and I think that’s the goal, is sharing knowledge,” Fontaine said.