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Ms. Yee Teacher Story

Annelise Yee assisting her student Nellie complete a bronze casting in a centrifuge.
Annelise Yee assisting her student Nellie complete a bronze casting in a centrifuge.
Li Ching

Mid-Pacific’s art program recently received a new addition to its faculty staff, middle school and high school visual arts teacher Annelise Yee.

Born and raised on Oahu, Yee graduated from Puanhou before attending Rhode Island School of Design. She then returned to the islands to be with family and to teach art.

“I was drawn to Mid-Pacific because they have a really amazing art program,” Yee said.

This year, she’ll be teaching Art 1: Ways of Seeing, 2D Art Levels 1-4, and in the second semester, Art 1 for the eighth grade.

“It’s really interesting to see how everybody approaches [constructing with wire] it, so it’s kinda fun for me as an educator to see how everybody visualizes things and space,” Yee said.

As a young child, Yee found peace in art, and this love for the activity stuck with her as she grew up. As is a three-dimensional artist who enjoys working with metals, and she hopes that Mid-Pacific will allow for a metals studio.

She also enjoys creating art, knitting, yoga, coaching sailing, and spending time with her cats.

Qualities that Yee looks for in a student include an excitement to learn, participation in projects, communication skills, and the ability to express their feelings.

“I really like when [students are] excited to do what we’re doing, and when they’re communicative. It’s nice when people have questions [and] they’re enjoying [themselves],” Yee said. “I want to learn from the faculty and the students here and see what they’re doing.”

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