Air rifle takes state title

Kayla Marutani, Staff Writer

Mid-Pacific’s girl’s and boy’s sporter air riflery team took home the state title and was  crowned the ILH champs of the 2018 fall season. 

The Mid-Pacific’s boys varsity team was undefeated (6-0) and the girl’s varsity (7-0).

“I worked hard individually and I think everyone on the team did as well. We as a team won and I’m happy about that, that we got to do it together,” said junior and named top ILH girls shooter, Sophia Crisci. 

Both girls and boys air riflery teams finished with a (5-1) record last year and the boys team won the ILH, said Coach Jon Narimatsu. Six of them had made it to states last year and so they gained a lot of experience from that process, he said. 

Narimatsu said the team learned that working together as a team gets you a lot farther than just focusing on individuals. 

“No individual is more important than the team is,” said Narimatsu. 

For some, winning states and the ILH came as a surprise. Junior Kimberly Oshiro said that she didn’t expect to win at all. 

“Even if we [were to not] win states, we know that we came came here and we did our best,” said Oshiro.  

The entire team worked hard and practiced 6 days a week said juniors Kristen Tokumi and Jason Katayam. The amount of practice they got was a contributing factor to their win, said Tokumi.  

Along with winning the ILH title and state championships, the team also took away many lessons from this season, they said. 

Boys team captain Michael Tam said he learned that improvement “takes time, [and] you’re not going to get good overnight”. He also said that he learned what it means “to be a leader [from] being the team captain.”