AUW Week Auction Returns

Archer Liang

Mr. Falk holds his hand out as pie-filling drips down his face.

Archer Liang, Staff Writer

Aloha United Way (AUW) Week, a week dedicated to the Mid-Pacific community raising money for AUW, culminated in an auction for high schoolers to bid on various items from the community.

Junior Junsei Tanizaki (leftmost), Sophomore Nick Nakatani (Middle), Jake Hammond (rightmost), and others dance with Sara Vasconellos during the lip sync in the AUW auction. (Photo by Archer Liang)


Senior Dorethea Yoakum (middle), Junior Helena Winchester (right second), Junior Maile Hirschmann (rightmost), and others dance during the lip (Photo by Archer Liang)


Mrs. Vasconcellos holding a sign beckoning students to come dance on the gym floor. (Photo by Archer Liang)


Mr. Wheeler talking to the students running the auction. (Photo by Archer Liang)


Caleb DeSoto holds up his fingers to indicate the amount of money he wants to bid on an item. (Photo by Archer Liang)


Mr. Falk dawns a Mid-Pacific poncho, sauntering over to get a pie in his face. Archer Liang


NaPueo Staff Writer Ryan prepares to smack Mr. Falk in the face with a pie. (Archer Liang)